Top 123+ Most Inspiring Hanuman Quotes and Sayings

Lord hanuman Quotes


Are You Looking For Lord Hanuman Quotes? If yes, Then you are in the right place as we are providing you with some unbelievable quotes from hanuman Ji. There are many Mysteries about Lord Hanuman that we can’t even explain by the end of this article we will discuss something about Lord Hanuman.

About Lord Hanuman or Hanuman Ji

Hanuman Ji is also known as Pavan Putra which means the son of the wind. He is worshipped by an Uncountable number of people under Hinduism. Everyone Worships Hanuman Ji in order to treat their diseases. He is a God of Wisdom, Strength, Courage, Devotion, and Self-Discipline.

He is also called as Sankat Mochan which means the one who cures all the worries of his devotees. In the Kali Yuga, Hanuman worship is becoming popular day by day and many people started going to his shrines.

NameRelation with Shri Hanuman
Lord RamGod and Devotee
Anjani MataMother of Lord Hanuman
Pavan Dev(Vayu)Father and son

Lord Hanuman is also mentioned in many Spiritual books like Ramayana, Mahabharata, and many Puranas. He is considered the Biggest Devotee of Lord Rama( One form of Lord Vishnu). He has Ashta(eight) Siddhi’s and Nav(nine) Nidhi’s which makes him unbeatable and so powerful that no one can beat him. He is one Of 8 Chiranivi (Immortal persons) present on earth right now.

If you are a supreme devotee of Lord Hanuman, you can read Hanuman Ji Quotes to know about his history and vitality.

Lord Hanuman Quotes

Hanuman Quotes

Without Ram there is no Hanuman. Without Hanuman there is no Ram.

You and I are one, Hanuman.

Without Hanuman, no one in this world would have known of me – Shri Ram

Without Hanuman, life has no meaning.

Who is Hanuman? Hanuman is strength, devotion, and perseverance.

Where are you, Hanuman? Wherever there is the name of Ram, I am there.

Lord Hanuman Quotes in English

Lord Hanuman Quotes in English

I am a Humble Messenger of Shri Ram

Union with Ram is not possible without Hanuman.

Don’t tell Hanuman how big your problems are, tell your problems how big Hanuman is.

The secret to Hanuman’s success is selfless service to God.

The Purpose of Life is to “Serve” is what we can learn from Hanuman.

Perseverance is the Key to Success.

Hanuman Quotes in Hindi

Lord Hanuman Quotes

जो लेता है नाम बजरंगबली का, सब दिन होते उसके एक समान जय बजरंग बलि, जय श्री हनुमान।

राम का हूँ भक्त मैं, रूद्र का अवतार हूँ, अंजनी का लाल हूँ मैं, दर्जनों का काल हूँ, साधुजन के साथ हूँ मैं, निर्बलों की आस हूँ, सद्गुणों का मान हूँ मैं, हां मैं हनुमान हूँ।

सबके दुख को दूर करे वो बजरंगबली, देते सुख, करते सब भक्तों की भली। राम-राम हरपाल वो करते जाप है, सकल सृष्टि के करता प्रभु आप है।

हनुमान तुम बिन राम है अधूरे, करते तुम भक्तों के सपने पूरे। माँ अंजनी के तुम हो राजदुलारे, राम-सीता को लगते सबसे प्यारे।

बजरंगी तेरी पूजा से हर काम होता है, दर पर तेरे आते ही दूर अज्ञान होता है। राम जी के चरणों में ध्यान होता है, इनके दर्शन से बिगड़ा हर काम होता है।

भीड़ पड़ी तेरे भक्तों पर बजरंगी, सुन लो अर्ज़ अब तो दाता मेरी, हे महावीर अब तो दर्शन दे दो, पूरी कर दो तुम कामना मेरी।

पहले लाल लंगोट, हाथ में है सोटा, दुश्मन का करते है नाश, भक्तों को नहीं करते निराश।

मेरे बजरंगी अब तो कर दो मेरा पार, तुम हो दुख-हर्ता कहता ये सारा संसार, सीता मैया की लंका से खबर तुम लाये, तभी तो तुम श्री राम के मन को भाये।

जोड़े हाथ हम खड़े है बनके भिखारी, करो करुणा बजरंगी आये शरण तुम्हारी। तुमको सब कहते बाबा संकटमोचन, क्यू कि तुम हो बजरंगी दुखभंजन।

निराश मन में आशा तुम जगाते हो, राम जी के नाम को सबको सुनाते हो। पर्वत जैसी निश्चलता है अंदर तुम्हारे, नर्म धूप की कोमलता है अंदर तुम्हारे।

हे हनुमान तुम हो सबसे बेमिसाल, तुमसे आँख मिलाये किसकी है मजाल। सूरज को पल में निगला अंजनी के लाल, मूरत तेरी देखकर भाग जाये काल।

हनुमान है राम को सबसे प्यारे, वो तो है भक्तों में सबसे न्यारे, पल-भर में तुमने लंका को जलाया, श्री राम को माता सीता से मिलाया।

Hanuman Ji Quotes in Hindi

Hanuman Ji Quotes in Hindi

जिनको श्रीराम का वरदान है, गदा धारी जिनकी शान है, बजरंगी जिनकी पहचान है, संकट मोचन वो हनुमान है।

हनुमान का जहाँ पल-पल गुणगान है, चढ़ाने से सिंदूर उनको हर काम होता है। है भरोसा जिनको अंजनी दुलारे का, वो करते भजन हनुमान प्यारे का।

ये दुनिया जो रचे वो भगवान है, संकट जो दूर करे वो हनुमान है। जिससे रूठे ये सारा संसार है, बजरंगी करते उससे प्यार है।

करो कृपा मुझ पर है हनुमान, जीवन-भर करुँ मैं तुम्हे प्रणाम। जग में सब तेरे ही गुण गाते है, हरदम चरणों में तेरे शीश नवाते है।

बजरंगबली का नाम लेते रहो, बिगड़ा काम संवर जाएगा, तुमको पता भी नहीं चलेगा और बुरा वक्त गुजर जाएगा।

हनुमान का नाम है कलयुग में महान, कोई भी संकट आए भारी, हनुमंत कर देते तुरंत समाधान।

बोले-बोले है हमसे हनुमान, बोलो भक्तों मिलकर जय सिया राम। दुनिया रचने वाला भगवान है, संकट हरने वाला हनुमान है।

बस नाम लेते रहो राम का, साथ मिलता रहेगा हनुमान का।

हनुमान लिपट जाये राम के चरण में, जब कष्ट हो तुम हम आये आपकी शरण में, सीने में अपने राम को छुपा रखा है, हमने अपना पूरा जीवन आपको दे रखा है।

अंजनी के लाल मैं पानी, तुम हो चन्दन, हे महाबीर तुमको कहते दुख-भंजन, इस जग के नर-नारी सब शीश झुकाते है, नाम तेरा सब गुण तेरे गाते है।

जिनके मन में है श्री राम, जिनके तन में है श्री राम, जग में सबसे है वो बलवान, ऐसे प्यारे न्यारे मेरे हनुमान।

चरण शरण में आयें के धरु तिहारो ध्यान, संकट से रक्षा करो हे महावीर हनुमान।

संकट कटे मिटे सब पीरा, जो सुमिरे हनुमत बलबीरा।

Hanuman ji Quotes

Hanuman ji Quotes

Ram-Ram Harpal vo Karte Jaap hain, the lord of the whole world is you.

Anjani ke lal main pani, tum ho chandan, hey Mahabir tells you grief-stricken

The men and women of this world bow their heads, the name is bada hai tera sab guna tere gaate haiin.

Mere bajrangi aba to kar do mera paar, tum ho dukha-harta kahat ye sa samsar, Sita Maiya

Bajrangi Teri Pooja Se Har Kaam Hota Hain, Dar Par Tere Aate Hi Door Ignorance Hota Hain,

Ram Ji’s feet are meditated upon, every work is affected by his vision.

Hey Hanuman, you are the most unique, you are the one who meets the eye.

Inspirational Hanuman ji quotes

Inspirational Hanauman ji quotes

You’ll always be our Hero, Hanuman!

Suraj ko pal mein nigla Anjani ke Lal, Murat ran away seeing you Kaal.

Let Hanuman wrap himself in Ram’s feet, when there is trouble, then we will come to your shelter

We have kept our Rama hidden in our chest, we have given our entire life to you….

Hanuman, who does not have curls tied on his feet, says that all people are in love with Shri Ram.

I am a devotee of Rama, I am an incarnation of Rudra, I am red of Anjani, I am the age of the wicked.

I am with the Sadhus, I am the hope of the weak, I am the man of the virtues, yes I am Hanuman.

Hanuman Ji quotes In English

Hanuman Ji quotes In English

It’s the birthday of Ram Bhakta Hanuman, Anjani Lal, Pawan’s son Hanuman

Let’s all cheer for Hanuman, Happy birthday to Hanuman.

Let there be peace and good health, and strength in your life. Wishing you and your family a happy Hanuman Jayanti

Shri Ram Lakshman Janki, Jai bolo Hanuman ki

Shubh Mangalvar – Jai Hanuman

Shri Ram ka Naam lo Bhai, Ram ka Naam lo

Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Hanuman

Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram Jai Jai Ram

Motivational Lord Hanuman Quotes in English

Motivational Lord Hanuman Quotes in English

The Purpose of Life is to “Serve” is what we can learn from Hanuman

Ram Ram Ram… Ram Naam Jap by Hanuman

Perseverance is the Key to Success

Nothing is Impossible for Lord Hanuman

Mere paas Hanuman Hain

May Lord Hanuman Bless You with the Knowledge of Truth, Love, Peace and Prosperity This New Year

Maruti Mera Dost (Hanuman is My Only Friend)

Main Prabhu Shri Ram ka Ek Tuchh Sevak

Kahaa ho Pavan Putra Hanuman? Jahaa Shri Ram Katha vahi Hanuman

Jo har vastu me Shri Ram ko dekhta hain, vahi Hanuman ji ki Kripa pata hain

When Life doesn’t go your way, be Patient, have faith and Surrender to Hanuman

Hanuman images With Quotes

Hanuman images With Quotes

I am a Humble Messenger of Shri Ram

Miracles do happen, have Faith in Lord Hanuman Ji

Shri Hanuman Ji is my only Guru

Be Brave and Fearless to know that even if you make a wrong decision, Hanuman has got your Back

Greater than Ram is the Name of Shri Ram

Did you know? Lord Hanuman Fact

Motivational Hanuman Ji quotes

Hanuman Images With Quotes

I’m Always Thinking of You, Shri Hanuman Ji

Believe in Yourself (and Hanuman Ji) and the World will be at Your Feet

Believe in Lord Hanuman and see what Happens

Forget Superman, Batman, or Spiderman, be Inspired by Hanuman

Be Fearless, Shri Hanuman Ji is with You

As Lord Hanuman, do your Karma with Devotion to God and without wishing for its Fruits. No doubt you will Succeed

Hanuman Jayanti Quotes

Hanuman Jayanti Quotes

Happy Hanuman Jayanti! May all your prayers be answered by Lord Hanuman.

Wishing you and your family a blessed day! May Lord Hanuman always be with you and may he guide you by showing you the light even when it feels like there is only darkness.

May Lord Hanuman – “The One who Grows” inspire you to grow each day into a better version of yourself. Happy Hanuman Jayanti!

This Hanuman Jayanti, I hope your life gets filled with happiness, hope and positivity. Wish you a Happy Hanuman Jayanti.

Wishing you a very Happy Hanuman Jayanti. May Lord Hanuman fill your life with abundant happiness.

This Hanuman Jayanti, I pray that your dream gets fulfilled and your family stays safe and happy. Happy Hanuman Jayanti.

Let us always carry Lord Hanuman in our hearts. He will carry us across the ocean of sorrow and lift our happiness.

I wish joy, Harmony and Prosperity on Hanumaan Jayanti for you and your family! Wishes on Hanuman Jayanti

Hanuman Hai Naam Mahaan, Hanuman Kare Beda Paar, Jo Leta Hai Naam Bajrang Bali Ka, Sab Din Hote Uske Ek Samaan, Happy Hanuman Jayanti!

Lord Hanuman symbolizes strength and unparalleled devotion and selfless service. He is the greatest devotee of Lord Ram. Happy Hanuman Jayanti.

Hanuman Jayanti Quotes in English

Hanuman Jayanti Quotes in English

Lord Hanuman is the greatest devotee of Lord Rama. May he shower his divine blessings on you and your family on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti.

Wish you be accompanied with auspiciousness and blessings on Hanuman Jayanti.

Wishing you a very blessed and Happy Hanuman Jayanti. I wish that you follow the teachings and footsteps of Bajrang Bali for a happier and contented life.

May your actions be pure and selfless. May you be the symbol of strength for your family always. Happy Hanuman Jayanti 2022

Let us pray to Pawan Putra Hanuman on this auspicious occasion of Hanuman Jayanti and seek his blessings to become successful in our lives. Wishing you a happy Hanuman Jayanti. Jai Hanuman!

This Hanuman Jayanti, I hope your life gets filled with happiness, hope, and positivity. Wish you a Happy Hanuman Jayanti.

Strength Hanuman Quotes

Strength Hanuman Quotes

Wishing you a very Happy Hanuman Jayanti. May Lord Hanuman fill your life with abundant happiness.

This Hanuman Jayanti, I pray that your dream gets fulfilled and your family stays safe and happy.

Let us always carry Lord Hanuman in our hearts. He will carry us across the ocean of sorrow and lift our happiness.

Lord Hanuman symbolizes strength and unparalleled devotion and selfless service. He is the greatest devotee of Lord Ram.

Lord Hanuman is the greatest devotee of Lord Rama. May he shower his divine blessings on you and your family on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti.

Wish you be accompanied with auspiciousness and blessings on Hanuman Jayanti.

Wishing you a very blessed and Happy Hanuman Jayanti. I wish that you follow the teachings and footsteps of Bajrang Bali for a happier and contented life.

Quotes on Hanuman ji

Quotes on Hanuman ji

May your actions be pure and selfless. May you be the symbol of strength for your family always. Happy Hanuman Jayanti 2022

Let us always carry Lord Hanuman in our hearts. He will carry us across the ocean of sorrow and lift our happiness.

I wish joy, Harmony and Prosperity on Hanumaan Jayanti for you and your family! Wishes on Hanuman Jayanti Hanuman Hai Naam Mahaan, Hanuman

Kare Beda Paar, Jo Leta Hai Naam Bajrang Bali Ka, Sab Din Hote Uske Ek Samaan, Happy Hanuman Jayanti!

Lord Hanuman symbolizes strength and unparalleled devotion and selfless service. He is the greatest devotee of Lord Ram. Happy Hanuman Jayanti.

Lord Hanuman is the greatest devotee of Lord Rama. May he shower his divine blessings on you and your family on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti.

Let there be peace and good health in your life. Wishing you and your family a happy Hanuman Jayanti

May Hanuman ji give you confidence and strength to achieve success in your life. Happy Hanuman Jayanti

Hanuman Blessing Quotes

Hanuman Blessing Quotes

I hope your life is filled with joy and harmony this year. Wishing you a happy Hanuman Jayanti.

Let wisdom rule your thoughts and, may your power be put to good use. Happy Hanuman Jayanti

Let us pray to Pawan Putra Hanuman on this auspicious occasion of Hanuman Jayanti and seek his blessings to become successful in our lives. Wishing you a happy Hanuman Jayanti. Jai Hanuman!

Wishing a very blessed and Happy Hanuman Jayanti. I wish that you follow the teachings and footsteps of Bajrang Bali for a happier and contented life.

May you earn the blessings of Bajrang Bali and have a Happy Hanuman Jayanti… May you always be successful in everything you do.

I wish joy, Harmony, and Prosperity on Hanuman Jayanti for you and your family.

May your actions be pure and selfless. May you be the symbol of strength for your family always.

Let wisdom rule your thoughts. Let your hopes become true. Let your power be put to good use. Happy Hanuman Jayanti.

Hanuman Chalisa Quotes

Hanuman Chalisa Quotes

श्रीगुरु चरन सरोज रज, निज मनु मुकुरु सुधारि। बरनऊं रघुबर बिमल जसु, जो दायकु फल चारि।। बुद्धिहीन तनु जानिके, सुमिरौं पवन-कुमार। बल बुद्धि बिद्या देहु मोहिं, हरहु कलेस बिकार।

जय हनुमान ज्ञान गुन सागर । जय कपीस तिहुँ लोक उजागर ॥

महाबीर बिक्रम बजरंगी । कुमति निवार सुमति के संगी

नासै रोग हरै सब पीरा । जपत निरंतर हनुमत बीरा ॥

तुम्हरे भजन राम को पावै । जनम जनम के दुख बिसरावै ॥

Lord Hanuman is the Greatest God of Kali Yuga

One of Rudra’s avatars is Lord Hanuman. As described in Shri Hanuman Chalisa(सब सुख लहै तुम्हारी सरना, तुम रक्षक काहू को डरना)., when Hanuman blesses a devotee, all fears of death, ghosts, the dark, and everything else becomes disappeared.

Something About The Life of Lord Hanuman

He has a special duty in this yuga to help God’s devotees, to defend Sanatan Dharma, who is reciting the Lord’s name, keeping their faith, and to see the people who are in between the cycle of Birth and Death.

We should all know by now that Sri Hanuman is a manifestation of Lord Shiva and the most devoted devotee of Lord Rama in the universe. We can all take inspiration from Hanuman’s leadership, bravery, and dedication, which help us find answers to our own existential problems.

Best time to worship Lord Hanuman:

He is the source of all Navagrahas and nakshatras. He has received all of their blessings. Therefore, those worshippers who are having problems with their graha and nakshatra always receive relief after praying to Hanuman.

So Now After reading all this information you can easily understand the deep meanings of the quotes which we are going to provide you. some of the quotes of lord Hanuman are listed as follows:-

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By now, we should all be aware that Lord Hanuman is a manifestation of Lord Shiva and the universe’s most ardent follower of Lord Rama. We may all learn from Hanuman’s example, courage, and devotion, which provide us with solutions to our own existential dilemmas.

Also Read some Lord Ram Quotes The Followed Beloved of Lord Hanuman.

Hope that we all stay on the path of truth and justice and always find hope and encouragement at the door of lord hanuman. You can read all the quotes on Everydayimages.

Some General Questions

What is Hanuman a God of?

One of the main figures in the Hindu epic Ramayana is Hanuman. He is a Chiranjeevi and a devoted devotee of Rama.

Is Hanuman JI married?

According to Shastra Parashar Samhita, Hanuman Ji first wed ‘Suryaputri Survachala‘ in order to obtain all of Suryadev’s wisdom. After this, Lankapati Ravana’s daughter, Anangkusuma, was wed to Hanuman Ji for some reasons.

Does Hanuman ji have a child?

According to Hindu scriptures, Makardhwaja (or Magardhwaja) is the son of the Hindu god Hanuman and is created from his sweat. The Ramayana appears in a number of different regional translations.

What is the age of Hanuman ji?

It has been estimated that Hanuman ji first appeared almost 2.59 million years ago.

What is the height of Lord Hanuman?

As described in Ramayana also. He has the ability to shrink down to the size of an atom or grow as big as the universe.However, because Lord Ramchandra was between 8.5 and 9 feet tall (thus the name “aajanubaahu”), he generally had a massive hulky body that was nearly 11 feet taller.

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